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Old 3rd June 2019, 13.46:51   #10-0 (permalink)
Part Time ITV4 Pundit

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Default Re: The Wrexham AFC Football Strategy?

The strategy needs to think outside the box and capitalise on the opportunities that are almost unique to us compared to other clubs of our size:

1. We have the potential to be a provincial club across North Wales and not just a town club. Few other clubs have this potential. I would look at all ways of doing this, even perhaps changing the name to Wrexham and North Wales FC (Wrexham NW).

2. We have significant Polish and Portuguese (and other ) populations. Again everything should be on the table in terms of linking the club with the different nationalities in the locality.

The WST Board elections need candidates to think "big" and think about an entirely new approach to how the club can grow, but sadly all the candidate statements are very depressing.
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