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Old 5th June 2019, 11.21:03   #6-0 (permalink)
Quay Red
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Default Re: WST agm resolutions

Originally Posted by pagl View Post
I think to raise resolutions then you need to provide some substance to back it up. Voting and WST board interest is limited and I think most fans would like them to get on with the job of growing the club. However unless you feel you can make a difference then what resolutions are needed.
I would like to see a membership strategy, a phone app to join and a proactive campaign to build from 3,500 to 5,000. However the board are not interested and quite happy just to manage the current membership.

Whats the point in me proposing a resolution when they are not interested?
Richard Ulrich has made an effort to grow the membership so his teams work should be appreciated.
Can we do more. Most definitely and your suggestions of better use of technology that's available should be taken on board.
That said, we can't arm wrestle the general fan base to join, they have to want to.