Thread: WST Vice Chair
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Old 12th August 2019, 16.23:20   #62-0 (permalink)
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Default Re: WST Vice Chair

Originally Posted by Quay Red View Post
It would be transparent.
It's either that or go through the process quietly.
What would you propose?
Yeah it would be transparent but that doesn't mean what I said wouldn't happen. Or do you think it wouldn't happen?

What would I propose, well the WST being transparent like they claim to be for starters. I've given examples of how they haven't been transparent in my second reply to you on this thread so its backed up. So why don't we start there?
It also begs the awkward question that if they can keep player contract renewals secret (lord alone knows why they did that, they still haven't explained that one) then what else have they kept from us. Its perfectly valid now, just on the back on last January's circus act.