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Old 14th January 2020, 17.41:24   #27-0 (permalink)
Due a Testimonial

Joined: Oct 2004
Racecourse Spot: Yale stand
Real Name: Johnny Windows
Twitter: @

Default Re: The silence is deafening

I must take Moyn to task when he says that the majority are content with the way the club is being run. I have friends who have stopped bringing their family to games as a protest. I, myself have a ST, and although I have missed the last two home games as a matter of principle, my protest is not “Seen” by the board, as all ST sales are recorded as being at every game. This is a real anomaly as large gaps are appearing in the two home stands.
Moyn, do you really feel that to show our displeasure in the way things are going, that we should stay at home? I have done this, but whilst I can sleep at night with my tiny protest, it’s hurting the club I love, and possibly negatively effecting my team. I have not got any more options available to me.
The board are incompetent and it seems they are Teflon coated!