Thread: Join the wst.
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Old 11th September 2020, 14.36:40   #33-0 (permalink)
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Default Re: Join the wst.

Originally Posted by Red Light View Post
Household re -joined by me by following the above link.

It's a timed out facility which means if you have not completed your purchase you are closed down and have to start again.

They are asking for your date of birth in a mandatory field - which wouldn't be too bad if you could manually input it - however unless I am mistaken all my attempts have failed so have had to scroll through decades to reach my dob.
Obviously the older you are the longer it takes with the clock ticking.
If your the purchaser and buying for yourself you have to do it twice.
Anyone else had the same problem.

On the reasoning for the big push to renew - regardless of ownership the pressure will now be on massively to sort out membership and season ticket 10 match books - printers / seat allocation if indeed the season gets underway by the scheduled date with a crowd in attendance.
Having filled all the fields on flowte web site & pressed continue the page does not move on so I can’t complete th e purchase ..all within time frame
I have done this on two computers same result
Also tried Bacs transfer but their bank wouldn’t verify that who they were
Anyone else had problems like this