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Dynamic pricing in football

I wonder if the league game in the states against Birmingham will have dynamic pricing.

Here's the latest on Valencia and DP.

It's worth taking seriously: all it takes is a few starting this and everyone will follow to avoid losing a competitive advantage.

The irony is that, once everyone is doing it there's no advantage for anyone. The only losers are fans funneling more money to speculative owners.
Valencia, who are majority owned by former Salford City shareholder Peter Lim, said: "We understand the concern but we believe it's more about fairness.
"It wouldn’t be fair for someone who planned ahead and bought a ticket early to pay the same as someone who waited until the last minute.

What a load of bollocks.
They told me, in Sunday School, way back in the 60’s, that money was the root of all evil. I laughed, but really, it is so true!
Valencia, who are majority owned by former Salford City shareholder Peter Lim, said: "We understand the concern but we believe it's more about fairness.
"It wouldn’t be fair for someone who planned ahead and bought a ticket early to pay the same as someone who waited until the last minute.

What a load of bollocks.
How does someone become so wealthy with such a poor grasp of economics?

If a ticket remains unsold the day before a match, increasing the price of that ticket seems like a funny approach.

He's clearly got no idea how the concept of surge pricing works.
Risk of a load of tourists watching PL games most of who don't really care about results and just want entertainment. However constraining dynamic pricing in a country which does not want to regulate free market and economic consumerism is perhaps not realistic and I fear it will happen unless fans unite and kick off big style as per ESL.
Dynamic pricing is supposed to go both ways, in theory a Saturday afternoon fixture that gets booted to a Tuesday evening should have its price go down, not up. That dope in the article makes it sound like prices only go up. That isn’t what dynamic pricing is actually supposed to mean lol

I don’t know how many teams in the States use that form of dynamic pricing but there’s definitely tiered pricing - ie the home opener and rivalry games being priced higher than a Tuesday game in February. That I could understand but pricing that always seems to artificially go up comes off like a scam, charitably you could describe it as an incentive to buy tickets early
Football without fans is nothing. Yes you can fill grounds but the club will sell the club based on atmosphere, culture and history. Ticket prices are key to keeping the game relatable to many.

The £10 additional for a large proportion of our general release and some label this as the price of success.

Some see ticket prices as a way to make more money when getting fans to spend money in other ways is a different way of creating additional income. Ticket increases are a small % of turnover.
Dynamic pricing suits companies like Uber because they can increase the price during busy times thereby incentivising more drivers to start working and help supply to meet demand. After a while demand comes down and prices follow. That makes sense.

It doesn't work in the context of things like concerts or football where you've got a fixed supply of tickets available to meet demand. Using surge pricing to increase ticket prices for an Oasis concert, where demand drastically outstrips supply, has a marginal impact on supply (there was probably a small percentage of people that decided not to buy tickets at the higher price).

The funniest thing is Ticketmaster saying it's a way of stopping touts! They've basically just replaced the touts themselves.

Oasis are a bunch of pricks too, they knew full well this would happen.

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