I thought about this a bit over the weekend. My current theory that I haven't completely thought through yet is that being a fan is different in the UK than being a fan over here. Same words, different meaning. Its like religion and politics at work; you don't talk about them normally because people identify with it. I'm a fan of hockey, and have a favourite team, but I don't see myself AS that team if that makes sense. Like I have a favourite brand of coffee or favourite foods but I'm not those things either.
My current half thought out theory is, is that in the UK the fans ARE the team. The players may come and go, most probably don't really matter, but the fans are the real team. Here its more like the fans are customers and if the sport isn't selling a strong enough product we spend our attention and money elsewhere. So if you basically are the team and its interwoven into your region, history, community... I can see how it'd be like politics in the US. All discussion here on politics has been extremely polite. In the US it quickly devolves into attacks and threats usually. Most would be more comfortable with their kids dating a different race or religion than a different set of political beliefs.
Here if the NHL team left I'd just watch AHL and wouldn't be that sad about it. There it's a piece of you, which I think makes tempers flare so much as if they attack your team its as if you yourself are being attacked. You, your history, your community. Is that in the range of being correct?
That’s not a theory. I think you’ve got that spot on.