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The massive Wrexham AFC history thread (The sad case of a founding members and player of Wrexham...)

Interesting nugget of "Coopers Lane" in that - now rebadged as Park Avenue !
That was a really good read. Learned a lot of other stuff about football in those days too.
A lot more interesting than current stories about footballers stealing a wage :D
I think that story got a mention under the Westminster Rovers section in my Forgotten Clubs of Wrexham book.
I think that story got a mention under the Westminster Rovers section in my Forgotten Clubs of Wrexham book.
I just checked, yes it did, Quite a big entry for Westminster Rovers, a team that only existed for 8 years. I lot of 'skullduggery' seemed to go on in those days and they had their fair share of them :)

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