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The Wrexham Bop - A New Song Proposal

More chance of us singing a version of James' Sit Down at away games.
Keep hearing this song rattling around in my head - The Wrexham Bop - thought I’d share it with you… It’s written to The Ramones “Blitzkrieg Bop”, Intro-Verse-Verse-Chorus-Verse-Verse(2 lines)-Outro, and at 150 bpm (slower than original 177 bpm) to go about 60 seconds. The parts in parentheses in the chorus are where you might swap out plays / players, e.g. “Chip in by Cannon”, or if Okonkwo’s not playing “let’s go, go, go!”. Hope you enjoy it, edit as preferred...

Hey ho, Wrex go! Hey ho, Wrex go!
Hey ho, Wrex go! Hey ho, Wrex go!

A corner from the left side
Cross in from the right side
Let’s send it up top
The Wrexham Bop

A volley lower left side
Header upper right side
You know you can’t stop
The Wrexham Bop

Hey ho, Wrex go
Put it in the net now
(Screamer by Mullin), whad’dya know?
Another clean sheet (by Okonkwo)

We’re movin’ up the table
Chase us, you’re not able
We’re headed to the top
The Wrexham Bop

You know you can’t stop
The Wrexham Bop

Hey ho, Wrex go! Hey ho, Wrex go!
Hey ho, Wrex go! Hey ho, Wrex go!
Now I wanna sniff some glue

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