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Welcome to Wrexham S3E2 "Goals" discussion thread (spoilers)


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Pre Takeover RPer Original RPer before 2009 Donor to RP 2017 BtB Helped pay wages in August 2011
Oct 6, 2004
Discussion thread for Episode 2 as and when it drops later...

Caution this thread will contain spoilers for those who have not watched it
This one still stayed on the pitch/with the team for the most part other than a nice little feature on a local photographer - not gonna spoil that one since you guys are behind me even though spoilers are allowed in this thread :)

Still a lot of stuff in the locker room and on the pitch, mostly focusing on the Swindon game early, definitely a lot of frustration in the intermission - Parkin got off the most pointed line, something to the effect of 'should I have just played golf instead of working on stuff for the defensive meetings Friday?' basically saying nobody was following or reading his notes. I forgot or didn't realize how tough those first few games were for Mendy and Barnett, who repeatedly got called out for letting their man get by them in the first two episodes.

They did go through the Foster retirement obviously, but didn't quite get into Arthur's arrival just yet (they did have little vignettes on McClean and Fletcher) since they more or less ended the episode with the Grimsby game and played up the revenge angle - also pointing out it was Mullin's first start since he returned. It was noticeable when you could hear Mullin still breathing heavy after he initially returned to the Racecourse a little while before that in the clip they showed.

There was a bit of a cameo by Howard too, more or less setting up the eventual arrival of Arthur when he said Phil let him know after Foster retired that they might look to bring in another keeper. But it was still a nice touch towards the end they put in an audio clip pointing out he had two clean sheets in three games.
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Ok, "locker room" winds me up but I'm prepared to let it slide in the interests of transatlantic geniality, but "intermission" is frankly a step too far FFS.
Ok, "locker room" winds me up but I'm prepared to let it slide in the interests of transatlantic geniality, but "intermission" is frankly a step too far FFS.

Yep but counterbalanced quite well I thought by use of the word 'vignette' which surely must be an RP first.

I thought this was a sour salad sauce but turns out not!
LOL well to be fair I thought Phil’s use of arousal level was kind of odd at halftime of the opener. And I loved how they had to explain scouser in this one :)
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Lee loosing his marbles at HT v Swindon….brilliant.
Enjoyed both episodes to be fair. The bit with the photographer considering he said he’d never been to a match.
Enjoyed both episodes to be fair. The bit with the photographer considering he said he’d never been to a match.

What's the betting they feature him wandering about outside a few times and then take him in for a match?

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