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Wrexham lager released in Australia

ozzy red

Club Captain
Pre Takeover RPer Original RPer before 2009
Oct 7, 2004
Announced yesterday that Wrexham Lager will now be available in one of Australia's largest Liquor Stores Dan Murphys.
Lager will be brewed by a company near Sydney.
I have met the Marketing Manager of the Brewery and I hope to arrange
to stock the local Wrexham Bar in Sydney.
Wrexham are really going global.
This is all about promoting Wrexham FC in Australia.
This began due to “Welcome to Wrexham” which has a huge following down under.
The beer is substandard but I enjoyed bootlegger TBF
For those old enough to remember, what was Wrexham Larger like before its closure and reincarnation?
Sweet and weak.

I do enjoy the Export (which is 5%) as its a Bavarian style lager which I always enjoy. A quality product and I used to get a case a month for just £29.99 including delivery which was a solid deal. Since they've rebranded the same thing costs nearly £45 including delivery which I ain't paying.

No idea how they can justify that increase in 2 years.
There has been rumours of a brew house near to the ground, which would be tremendous, plus some other new products in the works.

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