Thread: Q&A Update
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Old 14th January 2020, 13.28:36   #5-0 (permalink)
northwalian dragon
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Default Re: Q&A Update

Still none answered, to be fair Mark Williams emailed me about it and confirmed a few things:

Carl Hogan submitted each and every question to the board. They were divided up and sent to each board member to answer. The difficult questions that were avoided were at the choice of the board members themselves.

It was stated that "We believe it will be more expedient to talk it through rather than a Board member spending their spare time responding to detail questions." Which makes no sense to me at all.

I replied saying I'd happily attend on the condition that the meeting be recorded by myself and that fans that have asked questions through me also be allowed to attend. It's only fair that the whole fanbase is addressed with the answers and that we have confirmation of what was stated so that nothing can be misinterpreted. I haven't received an email back as of yet
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