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Notts County confirm positive covid cases

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Due a Testimonial
Pre Takeover RPer Original RPer before 2009 Donor to RP 2017 BtB Helped pay wages in August 2011
Oct 6, 2004
BBC Notts just now:

"We could probably call the game off"
Ian Burchnall wants to play Wrexham anyway "for the integrity of the league"

Breaking: Notts County confirm positive Covid cases ahead of Wrexham clash
Ian Burchnall tells us they're doing everything they can to ensure the Wrexham game DOES go ahead. "

BBC Notts just now:

"We could probably call the game off"
Ian Burchnall wants to play Wrexham anyway "for the integrity of the league"

Breaking: Notts County confirm positive Covid cases ahead of Wrexham clash
Ian Burchnall tells us they're doing everything they can to ensure the Wrexham game DOES go ahead. "


Mind games have started.
As long as they have at least 13 fit players and a goalkeeper I think they have to play it?
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