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Newcastle Verdict

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Colonel D

Pre Takeover RPer Original RPer before 2009
Mar 2, 2006
Good workout for the fringe players ,but should have put it to bed.
Weird game. Like a friendly.

Okonkwo looks like he will be a fun watch. I was impressed with Evans.
Did we learn nothing from the United U21 match?

We cannot afford to have any more injuries from these teams and their youngsters tear-arsing around the pitch.
Did we learn nothing from the United U21 match?

We cannot afford to have any more injuries from these teams and their youngsters tear-arsing around the pitch.

It was a lot stronger team than the one which started against Altrincham in the FA trophy which surprised me.
Waters looked decent for the first time, if you don't count that missed open goal. Evans seems solid. Okonkwo will give me heart attacks, but looks fun.

Decent performance for some fringe players. But we are still lacking end product.
What was the attendance?
A good run out for the fringe players. The atmosphere a bit flat, which did not help raise the game. The worry against these young PL teams, you can end up with a few nasty injuries. Waters tried hard, missed a sitter, but can't fault his effort.
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