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Fleur Robinson to Leave CEO Role

As rumoured. That'll please a lot of people, although I have no personal knowledge of any issues with her myself . Thank for your efforts Fleur.

Looking forward to seeing who comes in to replace her.
I know very little about her, but if R&R are happy with her contribution for the club that is good enough for me. All the best for the future.
I can't imagine there are many staff members who will be too gutted.
Auf weidersehen Mein Fleurer.

Only joking. She’s obviously played a part in the recent success of the club.
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As rumoured. That'll please a lot of people, although I have no personal knowledge of any issues with her myself . Thank for your efforts Fleur.

Looking forward to seeing who comes in to replace her.

This. She seems to have been arbitrarily blamed whenever something goes wrong, even though we have no knowledge of the finer details and what expectations are being placed on her from R&R, and never receives any credit for anything that goes well. I know little about her but some people have clearly been determined to make her a scapegoat from day 1. Very strange.

Either way, will be interesting to see who replaces her.
I know very little about her, but if R&R are happy with her contribution for the club that is good enough for me. All the best for the future.

Well put.