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Mullin and McClean "shared their thoughts on the monarchy"


Due a Testimonial
Pre Takeover RPer Original RPer before 2009 Donor to RP 2017 BtB Helped pay wages in August 2011
Oct 6, 2004
Ok … ?
Not bothered
Going to be some lizards with hurty feelings.
It's well documented they are anti monarchy etc, internal issue if anything, move on.
Given the posts have been deleted it would suggest someone from the club has had a word.

Move on. Nothing to see here.
I am not a royalist. I don't think a monarchy should exist in a so-called civilised society. I have nothing against the sentiment that they're expressing, however, I do find the irony very amusing.

Last week the collective pearls of North Wales were being clutched vigorously. There was outrage and moral indignation at the fact that Stockport players and management would sing 'F you Wrexham'.

'Our club would never be so unprofessional.'

This comes out and nobody is bothered or finds it unprofessional at all. You have to admit that there's a bit of fickle football fan hypocrisy at play here.
I am not a royalist. I don't think a monarchy should exist in a so-called civilised society. I have nothing against the sentiment that they're expressing, however, I do find the irony very amusing.

Last week the collective pearls of North Wales were being clutched vigorously. There was outrage and moral indignation at the fact that Stockport players and management would sing 'F you Wrexham'.

'Our club would never be so unprofessional.'

This comes out and nobody is bothered or finds it unprofessional at all. You have to admit that there's a bit of fickle football fan hypocrisy at play here.

Do you want some toast to go with your morning cup of false equivalence?

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