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Welcome to Wrexham renewed for Season 4

great news ... can only help continue to help the club grow and advance up the leagues
Popped this in another doc thread but seems more relevant in here now:

I wonder how viewing figures are looking for the latest series. It's probably hard to compile a completely accurate picture between streaming platforms and TV broadcasts, but the interest doesn't appear to be going away at the minute. That can only be good news for us.
Popped this in another doc thread but seems more relevant in here now:

I wonder how viewing figures are looking for the latest series. It's probably hard to compile a completely accurate picture between streaming platforms and TV broadcasts, but the interest doesn't appear to be going away at the minute. That can only be good news for us.

TV viewing figures have never been that high - about 200k if I remember right for the 1st season. But people don't watch things live any more so who knows how many on hulu and disney around the world.
Must be doing well enough!
TV viewing figures have never been that high - about 200k if I remember right for the 1st season. But people don't watch things live any more so who knows how many on hulu and disney around the world.
Must be doing well enough!

Yep, streaming platforms are definitely where the main viewership is at. It still feels bonkers in terms of the level of impact it's had.
I tried to watch it regular TV first night but the commercials killed me. Made it 1/2 way through and called it quits. Watched the next day commercial free. I don't think I watch anything live anymore besides sports.
These sorts of things rarely seem to go beyond a couple of seasons so it must be pulling in decent ratings across all platforms.

Great news for the club. It may not make us money directly but as a marketing tool it's invaluable.
I tried to watch it regular TV first night but the commercials killed me. Made it 1/2 way through and called it quits. Watched the next day commercial free. I don't think I watch anything live anymore besides sports.

Linear tv is basically dead except for sport and some other
Live events.
A very American take on Series 4 but this guy works for Rob's production company More Better. Happy with a top 10 finish my arse:


May be an element of sarcasm in that tweet I think? :)

And besides, we’re into Act 2 of our storyline now. We’ve had the first Act to set the scene and see the hero(s) have initial success. Act 2 is always about struggling to overcome ever more difficult obstacles. Then we finally get our payoff in Act 3 when we actually get promoted to the Premier League…

(Piece of **** this writing lark…)