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Membership renewals are live


Pre Takeover RPer Original RPer before 2009 Helped pay wages in August 2011
Apr 22, 2007
Over the Border Marauder
Over a barrel rip off…renewed.

Note that new memberships are £35, too. £30 is for renewals prior to 19 July. Log into youre eticketing and find your renewal link in the “Notifications”.
£90 for a family of 4 just to give you the slim chance of buying a ticket really is a bit of a rip off. I'd be fascinated to know how many they sell at that price.

It's also a bit embarrassing pointing to a birthday email as one of the perks of membership.

This is pure profit for the club, almost no cost involved.
£90 for a family of 4 just to give you the slim chance of buying a ticket really is a bit of a rip off. I'd be fascinated to know how many they sell at that price.

It's also a bit embarrassing pointing to a birthday email as one of the perks of membership.

This is pure profit for the club, almost no cost involved.

Cash-cow innit?


"SH presented the latest sales for both UK and International members. As of the 21 Sep 2023, UK members were 11,914 and 1,600 international members SH stated these figures show that most UK members had renewed, and we had seen a reduction in the number of international members but
could envisage this increasing as the documentary aired."

Would be good to know if the Temp Kop is still going to be in use next season. I'll assume it is.
Should there be a scheme with about 4.5k tickets available, after ST and away fans, that gives everyone a chance 1 game in 3. This, rather than the mad scrabble we have now and some not getting much chance. After all if you are paying £30/35 you should have something to show for it.
£90 for a family of 4 just to give you the slim chance of buying a ticket really is a bit of a rip off. I'd be fascinated to know how many they sell at that price.

It's also a bit embarrassing pointing to a birthday email as one of the perks of membership.

This is pure profit for the club, almost no cost involved.

Even worse - £120 for a family of four!
Cash-cow innit?


"SH presented the latest sales for both UK and International members. As of the 21 Sep 2023, UK members were 11,914 and 1,600 international members SH stated these figures show that most UK members had renewed, and we had seen a reduction in the number of international members but
could envisage this increasing as the documentary aired."

Would be good to know if the Temp Kop is still going to be in use next season. I'll assume it is.

If there's approximately 7000 season ticket holders, that means the fan base of match goes is about 20,000.
Also just a heads up I had a membership start of season So have a blue dot on notifications to renew
But the wife's £15 half season one purchased in December doesn't have option to renew

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