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Wrexham Women to join English Pyramid?


Club Captain
Pre Takeover RPer
Jun 12, 2009
On episode 3 of season 3 of the documentary, Rob (I think it was) said that they want Wrexham to become the world's best Women's football team.

I assume that they must, therefore, have plans at some stage to move it into the English Pyramid, and aim towards the WSL, because the aim stated simply wouldn’t be possible in the Welsh league due to the quality of the league, opponents, wage cap, amongst other reasons.
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I assume the same thing.

Does anyone know anything about the rules?
What level would they have to join?

I've heard before they'd have to start at the county leagues level.
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No? We could qualify for the CL next season from the Adran Premier, you're looking at significantly more time and money to achieve that through the English pyramid. If we get to the CL, each European game we win elevates the entire league, bringing more money and European spots for future seasons.

I'd say the goal for Wrexham women is to have them consistently making the knockout stages of the Champions League, which can definitely be achieved in the next 4-5 years via the Welsh system, but would take 10-15 in the English one.
I got the impression that the advantage of the Welsh league is that we could feasibly be playing in the Champions League within a year or two.
No? We could qualify for the CL next season from the Adran Premier, you're looking at significantly more time and money to achieve that through the English pyramid. If we get to the CL, each European game we win elevates the entire league, bringing more money and European spots for future seasons.

I'd say the goal for Wrexham women is to have them consistently making the knockout stages of the Champions League, which can definitely be achieved in the next 4-5 years via the Welsh system, but would take 10-15 in the English one.

The goal is to reach the group stages which no Welsh team has done. No Welsh team has advanced further than the first qualifying round either. I doubt Cardiff will be any different this upcoming season.

Starting 2025-26, Welsh teams will enter the preliminary round (based on current coefficient) which means in theory, Wrexham would have to win 3 games to get to the group stage, as opposed to just two in the current format which was introduced in 2021.

There will be a second tier UEFA competition - but unless Cardiff pull of a miracle and win the Women's Champions league (so that the ranking of Wales gets boosted - currently Wales is 40th), the Welsh participant will still be the league winner - assuming they go past the preliminary round and then lose in the first/second qualifying round
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Going into the English set up is pointless. Being funded by the top clubs so you're never going to break into it in any meaningful way
The goal is to reach the group stages which no Welsh team has done. No Welsh team has advanced further than the first qualifying round either. I doubt Cardiff will be any different this upcoming season

So you're saying the bar to entry is extremely low and any wins in europe would improve the standing of the association as a whole?

glad we agree
Haven't Cardiff City got a women's team that play in the English league as well as the one that plays in the Welsh league?
This did get discussed on the episode thread. but I will add here what I said there.

I think before the Women's team look to joining a foreign league they need to grow in the Welsh system. Currently they are third place in a league that is probably equivalent to the lower end of tier 5 of the English pyramid if after the next few years we are the women's TNS equivalent of being miles in front of everyone then maybe there is a case for it. This is a recent ESPN article on the women's team, with Gemma Owen talking about the prospect of joining the English pyramid. https://www.espn.co.uk/football/sto...women-bright-future-ahead-mcelhenney-reynolds

But the Adran Premier needs to grow too. We've only had three seasons of this set up, three teams are now semi-pro and others (TNS) looking to follow suit. The FAW aren't going to want to loose Cardiff, Swansea and Wrexham from the women's system the three biggest clubs in Wales in there domestic league. There is no historic reason for any of those teams to be playing in the English system like there is with the Men's teams.

As for a second European place in 25/26, looking at the UEFA coefficients then Cardiff at a bare minimum would need to get to the group stage and win a game. Laughable that the new second tier competition for women's European football doesn't extend to all UEFA members - but UEFA only care about strengthening the big rich clubs.

Maybe there is scope for a competition featuring the top female sides from Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Northern Ireland that don't feature in UEFA competitions.

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